Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Funny Hunter

I just love it when Hunter comes home from school. I want to know everything he did. Who he talked to. What he ate!! Of course I can't get anything from him. He would rather go play with his toys and sisters. I love to see all of the papers he brings home. Then I know he did do something at school besides "nothing" he tells me. He brought a story home today. He said he had written it all by himself. Here it is "I have a dog that is relley funny and it is relley bad he was funny bicus he got a black eye. He was bad bicush he was jumping on the bed." I just had to laugh! He did spell jumping right! LOL I though this was so cute. I am trying to save some of his school work. But it is so hard. I want to save everything. I have a ton already saved. And he has been at school for 3 months now! Another funny. They must have been talking about female and male at school. He came home yesterday and informed me that he is a male. He told Kasey Rae that she is a female. She got so mad at him. She told him I am not a female. I am a girl. It was so funny. When Kasey Rae thinks she is right there is no changing her mind. So they kept going back and forth. You are a female. NO I am not. I am a girl. I finally had to stop laughing and stop the agrument. Funny kids!!

1 comment:

Cute Girlie do's! said...

Thanks for the comment! I love your blog! Your kids are adorable